These updated driver versions, as well as most optional features exposed through CheckFeatureSupport, are unavailable on Windows 7. When reading the Direct3D11.1 documentation, understand that new drivers means WDDM 1.2 drivers. Windows 8 introduced the WDDM 1.2 driver model, which provided improvements across the associated API surface for all feature levels. Before using Direct3D11.1 on Windows 7, be familiar with these specifics: The features of these graphics components are tied directly to the graphics kernel components, graphics drivers, and graphics hardware. See these topics for info about Direct3D and DXGI with the platform update:Īfter the platform update has been installed, the interfaces introduced in Direct3D11.1 and DXGI 1.2 will be available with partial functionality. What’s New for WIC in Windows 8 (Windows).What's new in DirectWrite for Windows 8 (Windows).What's new in Direct2D for Windows 8 (Windows).See these topics for info about Direct2D, DirectWrite, and WIC with the platform update: Direct2D 1.1 (including Direct2D Effects)Īnd, for example, this component is not available:.For example, these Windows 8 components become available with full functionality: When installed on Windows 7, the Platform Update for Windows 7 updates Windows 7 with functionality available in Windows 8. This topic describes improvements to components of the Windows 7 graphics stack that become available through the Platform Update for Windows 7.