The one movie showed no indication that it was starting. That past two times that over gone the movie didnt start till 20 minutes after it was supposed to. The place is dirty it seriously need a deep clean. Now its gotten to the point where I dont feel like ever going back. I used to love Arnold theater when I was a kid. The new management needs to deeply consider what they have. Arnold theater you seriously need to clean up your mess!

Believe it or not you can see a movie without ruining a pair of shoes. An extra 15 minutes drive to have a clean theater, roomy clean leather seats, more foot room, more snack options, better sound quality, removable arm rests, and no odor. A better alternative is Regal in Fenton at Gravois Bluffs. Hopefully they do it soon before they cant afford to. This was the last visit we will make until they remodel. They changed ownership in May we were told but its July and if anything its worse. Wiring is exposed so becareful on the steps. Gross! Gross! Gross! Why would you pay to relax here? They literally have a sticky situation on hand! You cant justify charging $10+ a ticket for someone to be in this filthy, stinky mess. A very poor choice was made in showing this trailer before a faith-based movie like War Room. Please remove this trailer before the movie War Room as there will be several people that will come to see War Room that do not need to see something that is so offensive and against what we/they believe. There were children and youth in the audience, and I find this movie trailer very inappropriate for this audience. I was highly offended by the showing of this trailer before a movie like War Room. It showed several scenes of them hugging and laying side by side. However, there was a movie trailer shown before the main feature for the movie "Freeheld", which is a movie about a lesbian woman trying to get benefits for her lesbian partner. I went to the movie "War Room" this afternoon during the Saturday matinee at 1 pm.