I worked on the website more and more in my free time, developing it to where it is now – used by over 1,000 users every single day, all across the world. The number of users grew consistently as many other developers resonated with my own beliefs and wanted an easy-to-use editor to make writing pseudocode fun, not a chore. I originally developed the website as a small, single-page editor that was exactly what I needed. It can also simplify, find errors and fix them and debug your code. Pseudo code: It’s simply an implementation of an algorithm in the form of annotations and informative text written in plain English.

Writing pseudo-code before you start typing real code will also help you finish your projects faster. You're able to look at pure logic and program flow without worrying about how your code runs. I wanted to write pseudocode in the same way as I would with python, in an IDE with features that made my life much easier, instead of writing pseudocode in notepad. SourceAI is an AI-powered tool that can generate code in any programming language from any human language description. When you write some pseudo-code, it gives you a chance to really think through potential issues. PseudoEditor was founded and developed by myself (Matt) in 2020 whilst I was studying computer science. Section 3 contains examples of pseudocode found in various textbooks. One example of pseudocode, used in this course, is presented in Section 2. While understanding pseudocode is usually not di cult, writing it can be a challenge. PseudoEditor is an online pseudocode editor and compiler that was designed to make the lives of students and developers much easier. Pseudocode In lectures, algorithms will often be expressed in pseudocode, a mixture of code and English.